Selling Your Business in California: M&A Review

Selling your business can be a significant milestone for any entrepreneur or business owner. However, when navigating the process of selling your business in California, it is crucial to be aware of the legal considerations involved. This blog article provides a review of some of the key legal aspects to consider when selling your business in California.

1. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs):

Before sharing confidential information (i.e. trade secrets, proprietary processes, customer lists, etc.) about your business with potential buyers, it is vital to have them sign a well-drafted Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). A well-drafted NDA protects your business value by clarifying the handling of confidential information and remedies for breaching the NDA.

2. Valuation and Due Diligence:

Having a supportable rationale for the value of your business is essential for a successful sale. Working with experienced professionals, such as valuation firms, bankers, brokers or appraisers, can help establish a fair market value or a range of fair market value. Additionally, conducting thorough due diligence, including financial audits and legal reviews, is crucial to uncover any potential liabilities or legal issues that could affect valuation and ultimately, the sale.

3. Asset Purchase Agreement or Stock Purchase Agreement

In California, the sale of a business can be structured as an asset purchase or stock purchase. Each option has different legal implications. An asset purchase agreement (APA) involves selling specific assets and liabilities of the business, while a stock purchase agreement (SPA) involves selling the ownership shares of the business entity. Consult with your attorney, CPA and other advisors to evaluate potential tax consequences, liability transfers, and legal obligations associated with each structure.

4. Intellectual Property Rights:

Ensure that your business’s intellectual property (IP) rights, such as trademarks, copyrights, and patents, are protected during the sale process. Conduct a comprehensive IP audit on the front end to identify all protectable (and potentially protectable) IP, and to address any potential infringement issues, pending litigation, or license agreements that could impact valuation and sale.

5. Employees and Contractual Obligations:

Review and address any existing employment agreements, non-compete agreements, vendor contracts, or lease agreements that may affect the sale. Analyzing compliance with state and federal employment laws, including providing appropriate notice to employees, and addressing potential severance, bonuses owed, wage and hour liabilities or retention agreements is crucial.


Selling your business in California can be a wonderful, rewarding milestone on your entrepreneurial journey and it involves navigating numerous, serious legal considerations. From protecting confidential information with NDAs to structuring the sale agreement and addressing employment obligations, understanding the legal aspects is vital for a successful transaction. Seeking guidance the experienced mergers and acquisitions business attorneys at Adishian Law can increase the probability of maximizing the value of your business while minimizing the risk. By carefully addressing these legal considerations, and many others that may arise, you can proceed with confidence and achieve a successful outcome in selling your business in California.


Adishian Law Group is a California law firm with a statewide M&A practice led by Chris Adishian. To see past transactions, please view our Case Studies.

For more information about this article, or if you need help with your sale or acquisition, please contact Chris Adishian:

Telephone: 310.726.0888 | 650.955.0888 | 415.955.0888
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